Archives for Drew McKissick

Making a difference in politics via the grassroots

revolutionRemember that quote from Edmund Burke, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”?

Well, here it is in political terms:

“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.” (George Nathan)

Getting involved is the key.  But conservatives have to remember that the battle for America’s political soul can’t and won’t be won overnight.

Patience, as they say, is a virtue, and that’s even more true when it comes to politics.  In our political system, nothing moves fast.  The country didn’t get in its current shape overnight.  It took decades.  All that time, liberals organized and worked to move the country further to the left, and if we’re to be successful in moving it back to the right, we must be just as diligent.

If making a difference in politics is the goal, grassroots organization is what makes it possible.

Organizing at the grassroots can bring about change because it’s fundamental, yet so simple.  There’s nothing inherently difficult about identifying other conservatives, registering voters, circulating petitions, or passing out voter guides, but these activities can have a tremendous impact on politics and our society – especially when conservatives organize together to do them.

The more organizations (whether precinct, church or online based) that conservatives create, the greater the impact we can have on the nation as a whole when we follow proven techniques.

Remember, the basics of successful grassroots organization are as simple as one, two three:

  1. Identify supporters
  2. Inform them
  3. Mobilize them

That’s the recipe for long-term political success.

Don’t be intimidated.  Here’s a shocker: the political process is full of people who knew far less than you do when they first got involved.  No matter what political party, candidate, campaign or organization you look at, those that succeed do so because they did the basics.

So what’s stopping you from doing the same?


(Get more tips like these in my “Grassroots 101 Training Series“.  Check it out!)

Laying the Groundwork for Productive Media Relations

media relationsYou have probably noticed that, as a rule, the more successful conservatives are at impacting politics and society, the more attention they will get from the media – and that this attention is almost always biased.

But if you have been involved in politics for any length of time, (or you plan to be), at some point you’ll have to deal with the media. Whether it’s as a candidate, a campaign manager, worker, volunteer or just as an activist, everyone associated with politics is a target of the political media. It’s what they do.

Since they are a fact of political life you may as well make the most of it and be prepared to deal with them as effectively as possible, making sure that the way you go about it actually helps support and advance your goals, rather than set you back.

This means that, in order to be more effective, conservatives need to be prepared to deal with the media. With that in mind, here are some fundamental principles to lay the groundwork for more productive media relations.

Don’t ignore them:

The media is often referred to as the “fourth estate” or the “fourth branch of government”, and with good reason. Whether we like it or not, there is simply no denying that the media has a tremendous impact on politics and society in general by virtue of its ability to help shape public opinion.

Remember, the media goes on without you. And if you choose not to have any input in the conversation, you can’t really complain about the results. Don’t ignore it just because you don’t like it, or it doesn’t like you.

Get to know them:

The better you know the members of the media who cover the topics that you are involved with, the more effective you can be. In fact it’s a two-way street, in that they need sources that are active in the areas they cover in order to do their job. So put together a list of relevant media sources, (TV, radio, newspaper, Internet), and spend some time introducing yourself and letting them know about the issue or group you’re working with.

A big part of media relations is actually knowing them.  In other words, build relationships.

Always be honest:

As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. Whether you’re dealing with reporters on a story, or writing an op-ed column or a letter-to-the-editor, you’ll always have better success and a greater impact if you shoot straight with people and they come to expect that from you. Remember, conservatives already operate under a “cloud of suspicion” with most of the media because of their liberal bent.

Don’t make things any harder on yourself.

The caveat being that, as Proverbs tells us, only a fool utters his whole mind. In other words, some things just don’t need to be shared. That said, make sure that what you DO share is the truth. This makes it easier to keep a productive relationship after you’ve gone to the trouble of building one.


Conservatives already have enough trouble getting a fair shake in the media. Following these rules will help you get better results.

7 New Year’s Resolutions for Conservatives

Sometimes we get so caught up in what’s going on in politics at the moment that we can lose sight of what’s important and what to do next. Don’t let that happen this year. If conservatives are going to be successful in the long-term, then we have to THINK long-term.

With that in mind, here are a few suggested resolutions for conservatives in 2017.

Don’t Be a Cannibal

Every few years campaigns come along like tornadoes and divide many conservatives against one another and then they’re gone. The problem is that many times the personal divisions remain.

Productive relationships with fellow conservatives are vital. No matter who you or anyone else may support (or have supported) in any given campaign, don’t “go cannibal” on fellow conservatives. You might win for the moment, but you’ll lose productive relationships in the long run. And that means fewer people to work with to make a difference.

Coordinate, Coordinate, Coordinate!

It’s a simple fact that conservatives are stronger when we work together, and we are easier to beat when we are divided. Focus on finding ways to work with other conservatives to leverage collective muscle with greater emphasis on sharing information, picking targets and coordinating activity.

The bottom line is to leverage our strengths by focusing on places where they can be overwhelming and have a long term impact. Don’t let personalities or egos get in the way.

Focus on the Fundamentals

No matter how things may change, the need to do the fundamentals remains the same. And the most fundamental element of politics is people, while the most fundamental principle is addition. More organized people means more political influence.

Find (or create) and focus on projects that you or your group can use to help identify and better organize more people who think like you do.

Focus on the Republican Party

Ronald Reagan used to say that “personnel is policy”, and it’s no different when it comes to the people who comprise the GOP’s party structure, or those who run and get elected to public office under the Republican banner.

It’s great to have conservatives start their own groups and speak out, but it’s even better when those same folks also join local Republican Party organizations and run for delegate spots and party offices. Get involved and volunteer to serve on committees. Bring other conservatives with you.

The more conservatives who get involved in the party and support and network with one-another, the fewer problems we will have when it comes to pushing a conservative agenda in the long run.

Build the Farm Team

Just as baseball has its minor leagues, so does politics. Local government is important in its own right, but it also serves as the farm team for the political big leagues. Don’t ignore it. Plus, races at that level have the benefit of being easier to influence. A little money and organization goes a long way.

A coordinated effort by conservative activists to recruit good candidates and then let other conservatives know who they support and where to send money can have a much bigger impact on Joe Smith for school board than it ever could on Suzzie Smith for Congress.

If you want to have a long-term impact on the upper levels of politics, then you need to have a long-term approach for influencing who gets there.

Be a Catalyst

Focus on doing what YOU can do this year instead of complaining about others.

If you can’t find an effective group to join that focuses on all of those things that you complain about, then start one yourself. Meet regularly. Or start an effort to identify and recruit candidates for local office. Or you could create a newsletter or website that lists candidates that you support…or lists key dates and information about political meetings and activity in your area with details about how to get involved. Put it on Facebook and/or email it to everyone you know.

The point is not to wait for someone else to do it. They’re waiting for you. Do something.

Stay Engaged

Whether you win or you lose in any political endeavor, it’s never really “over”. No victory or defeat is permanent. If you lose, you saddle up and get ready to fight again. If you win, you can’t go home because the other side will be coming back to un-do whatever you have done. Government is going to be here as long as there are people, which means the process of government – or politics – is never over.

Conservatives waste far too much time trying to ramp up for a fight rather than staying engaged. Don’t quit!


Look back over this list and make a decision to adopt one of these resolutions for 2017. Then stay committed.