Archives for amnesty

Buzzworthy: free speech, Obamacare, amnesty and more

Buzzworthy news and notes from around the web…

free speech 1Sign of the times: Evangelist arrested in London for preaching homosexuality is a sin

Tony Miano, a retired deputy sheriff from Los Angeles County, Calif., was arrested in London, England, earlier this week for preaching on abstaining from sexual immorality, both heterosexual and homosexual, in downtown Wimbledon. He was found to be in violation of Public Order Act Section 5, for “using homophobic speech that could cause people anxiety, distress, alarm or insult,” Miano said in a YouTube video posted on Wednesday. … (read more)

Examples like this are a warning sign to where we’re headed if we don’t change direction soon. Expressions of religion become “hate speech” because someone might feel “judged”.

Fool me once: Why Obamacare threatens amnesty

The Obama administration’s instinctive dishonesty and contempt for the rule of law are finally catching up with it. Few Republicans in the House — even those who devoutly want immigration reform — trust the Obama administration to enforce with consistency and integrity anything that passes Congress. … (read more)

In other words, maybe, finally, enough of our folks have learned not to take this guy at his word? According to this article from Fox News, maybe…

House Republicans won’t vote on Senate amnesty, to pursue smaller measures

House Republican leaders on Wednesday reaffirmed that they do not plan to vote on the “massive” Senate immigration bill, and instead will pursue a series of smaller bills, after a rowdy closed-door meeting with the rank and file. … (read more)

Keep those cards and letters going folks…

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Obamacare: What conservatives should do next

Given last week’s devastating announcement that the Administration cannot implement Obamacare’s employer mandate next year without costing jobs, many conservatives have pondered the best course of action for Congress to take in response. The strategic options are many, but the choice should be clear: Congress should refuse to spend a single dime implementing this law. …(read more)

The “power of the purse” isn’t much of a power if we don’t use it.  Click here and speak out!

With Dems on defensive, GOP has chance to recapture Senate

What’s the outlook for the 2014 Senate elections? The Republicans once again have a chance to overturn the Democrats’ majority, as they did in 2010 and 2012. …(read more)

Well, between the implosion of Obamacare, IRS abuse, and judicial overreach on gay marriage, (just to name a few), the table is set…but it depends on having candidates that will truly embrace conservatism and welcome the party base. TBD.

From the “big surprise” department: Justice Department had a role in organizing Trayvon Martin protests

Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents in response to local, state, and federal records requests revealing that a little-known unit of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Community Relations Service (CRS), was deployed to Sanford, FL, following the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman. …(read more)

Nothing like having a government that goes the extra mile to be impartial, huh? (Next up: we’ll find they’ve got Al Sharpton on a “street march” retainer)